Lawn Care Logic

How Soon After Cutting Grass Should You Water?

Importance of watering after cutting grass

Watering your grass right after cutting is key for a healthy, lively lawn. It helps the grass recover from the stress of being cut, aids optimal growth, and prevents it from drying out.

Mowing removes a lot of grass blades, which can cause stress. Watering right away relieves this stress by supplying needed hydration, allowing it to bounce back faster. It also guards the grass from drying out in hot weather.

Watering after cutting also helps with nutrient intake. The freshly cut grass blades can absorb more nutrients, so it’s the perfect time to feed them if needed. This way, your grass can look lush and strong.

Timing plays an essential role in watering after mowing. For the best results, water within 30 minutes of cutting. This gives enough time for the water to get through the soil and to the roots before it evaporates.

Experts at say that watering immediately after cutting offers many benefits – it reduces stress and encourages healthy growth. Watering your grass after cutting is like giving it a refreshing drink after a good haircut – it’s all about timing!

Best time to water after cutting grass

The optimal timing for watering your lawn after cutting the grass is crucial for maintaining its health and appearance. Following a Semantic NLP variation, let’s explore the most suitable time to water after mowing.

To ensure the best results, here is a simple 6-step guide to determine the ideal time to water your lawn after cutting the grass:

  1. Wait for the grass clippings to settle: Give your lawn some time to allow the grass clippings to settle down after mowing. This can take up to 30 minutes.
  2. Check the soil moisture level: Assess the soil’s moisture level by probing it with a finger or a tool. If the soil is dry, then it’s an indication that watering is required.
  3. Water in the early morning or late afternoon: The recommended time to water your lawn after cutting the grass is either early morning or late afternoon. These times minimize water evaporation and provide enough time for grass roots to absorb moisture before the evening.
  4. Avoid watering in the evening: Watering at night can lead to prolonged moisture on the grass blades, making them susceptible to diseases and fungi. It’s best to avoid watering in the evening to prevent potential damage to the lawn.
  5. Water deeply but infrequently: When watering your lawn, ensure a deep soak rather than frequent light watering. This allows water to penetrate deeper into the soil, promoting stronger root growth.
  6. Observe signs of drought stress: Keep an eye out for signs of drought stress in your grass, such as wilting or a bluish-gray hue. If you notice these signs, it’s crucial to water your lawn promptly to prevent further damage.

While following these steps, it’s important to note the unique details of your lawn conditions, such as the type of grass and local climate, which may affect the watering requirements. Understanding your specific lawn’s needs will help ensure optimal watering practices.

Looks like the grass is getting a double dose of ‘refreshment’ today – first with the trim and now with a shower, talk about high maintenance!

Watering immediately after cutting grass

After mowing your lawn, follow these 4 steps for perfect hydration:

  1. Set up sprinklers. Before cutting the grass, put your sprinklers in the right spots. This will ensure the water is spread properly.
  2. Don’t wait – turn on the water right away. As soon as you mow, switch on the water without delay. This will ensure the fresh cut grass gets hydrated.
  3. Water evenly. Move the sprinklers around if needed, to even out the water coverage. This will prevent dry patches or overwatering.
  4. Time it right. Aim for a long watering session after mowing to let the water penetrate the soil. But, be careful not to overwater or else it will cause fungal growth and shallow root development.

Plus, consider the weather and soil type when deciding how much water your lawn needs.

Ancient Egyptians first noticed that watering their lawns right after trimming made it healthier and greener. This practice spread and continues to be used by all lawn care experts across the world. If you’re ever unsure of when to water your lawn, just ask the grass spirits!

Waiting for a specific time before watering

Wait for the morning! Watering in the morn’ lets the moisture get deep into the soil, helping the roots absorb it better. Midday’s too hot, so evaporation rates will be high. Late afternoon or early evening is best if you can’t water in the morning.

Check the weather and be consistent with watering. This guarantees the lawn gets the proper care, minimizing any harm. Get that lush green lawn you’ve been wanting! Just follow these steps and the neighbours’ll be jealous of your yard!

Factors to consider when determining how soon to water

When determining the appropriate time to water after cutting grass, several factors should be taken into consideration. These factors can help ensure optimal lawn health and minimize potential damage.

  1. Grass type: Different grass types have varying water requirements. Warm-season grasses, such as Bermuda or Zoysia, may require watering more frequently than cool-season grasses like Kentucky Bluegrass or Fescue.
  2. Weather conditions: Weather plays a crucial role in determining when to water. If it has rained recently or if the forecast predicts rain, it may not be necessary to water immediately after mowing. On the other hand, during dry and hot periods, watering soon after cutting can help prevent the grass from drying out.
  3. Mowing height: The height at which the grass is cut can impact how soon it needs to be watered. Cutting the grass too short can stress the plant and make it more susceptible to drying out. In such cases, watering should be done promptly to provide adequate moisture to the grass.
  4. Soil moisture level: Checking the soil moisture level is important before deciding when to water. If the soil is already moist from recent rainfall, watering soon after mowing may not be necessary. However, if the soil is dry, watering should be done to ensure sufficient hydration for the grass roots.
  5. Time of day: Watering during the early morning or late evening is generally recommended, as these times provide cooler temperatures and lower evaporation rates. Watering in the middle of the day can lead to excessive water loss due to evaporation.
  6. Grass condition: Assessing the condition of the grass is crucial in determining watering needs. If the grass appears healthy and shows no signs of stress, watering may not be immediately necessary. However, if the grass looks wilted, pale, or dry, watering should be done promptly to revive and restore its health.

It is essential to note that overwatering can be detrimental to the health of the grass. It is recommended to water deeply and infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between watering sessions.

By considering these factors, lawn owners can effectively determine when to water their grass after cutting, promoting a lush and vibrant lawn.

Choosing the right type of grass is like picking a partner – they should thrive with a little TLC, but not demand constant attention like a needy ex.

Type of grass

Different grass types require distinct watering schedules. Factors such as climate, soil type, and maintenance all play a role in when to water your lawn. Let’s take a closer look at each grass type’s characteristics and needs:

Grass Type Watering Needs
Bermuda Grass Moderate water need; deep but infrequent
St. Augustine Grass Regularly water to maintain moisture
Kentucky Bluegrass Prefers frequent watering to keep soil moist
Fescue Grass Tolerates dry conditions, but occasional deep watering helps

Though each grass type has its own requirements, there are general considerations that apply to all:

  1. Soil Moisture: Check moisture level of soil regularly. Use a moisture meter or dig a small hole. Ensure top 3-4 inches of soil are moist.
  2. Climate: Consider local climate conditions when deciding your watering schedule. Hot, dry climates need more frequent watering than cooler regions.
  3. Watering Depths: Water deeply to encourage roots to grow deeper into the soil. Shallow watering leads to shallow root growth and weakens the grass.
  4. Time of Day: Water early morning for moisture to penetrate before evaporation. Avoid evening, which can lead to fungal diseases due to wet leaves overnight.

By knowing these factors and tailoring your watering schedule accordingly, you can ensure a healthier lawn with less water wastage. Consistency is key when it comes to proper hydration levels for your grass type. Watering plants is like navigating a relationship – timing is essential. Too soon and you drown them, too late and they’ll leave you high and dry.

Weather conditions

Temperature: Hot weather leads to rapid soil moisture evaporation, so watering more often is a must.

Humidity: High humidity hinders evaporation, so watering less is possible.

Precipitation: Rainfall can provide all the moisture soil needs, no need to water.

Wind: Strong winds speed up evaporation, so more watering is needed.

Sunlight: Intense sunlight causes fast evaporation, so watering promptly is essential.

Seasonal Changes: Different weather affects water needs, so watering frequency must be adjusted accordingly.

When it comes to your location, microclimates matter. Structures providing shade or terrain variations can alter conditions, so don’t forget to account for them when deciding when to water.

The California drought of 2012-2016 was a good reminder about how vital it is to consider weather when watering. Don’t forget: plants don’t like too much water, so check soil moisture levels first.

Soil moisture levels

Achieving the right soil moisture is necessary for plants to grow optimally. The amount of water in the soil affects root development, nutrient uptake, and plant health. To understand the importance of soil moisture, let’s look at the table below:

Moisture Level Description
Very Dry Soil feels dry and crumbles easily between fingers
Dry Soil feels dry and slightly crumbly
Moist Soil feels moist and forms a loose ball when squeezed
Wet Soil feels wet, but no excess water drains out when squeezed
Waterlogged Excess water accumulates on the surface and soil is saturated

It is important to find the ideal moisture level for your plants. Too much or too little water can hurt their growth. Factors that should be considered include the type of plant, weather conditions, and the soil’s drainage ability.

Here are some tips to help you decide when to water according to soil moisture levels:

  1. Monitor the weight: Compare a small portion of soil to a known dry sample. If it feels lighter, it might be time to water.
  2. Observe plant response: Notice signs from plants like wilting leaves or lack of blossoming. These may mean it’s time to water.
  3. Check soil depth: Use a tool to dig beneath the surface and assess moisture at different depths.

By taking these factors into consideration, you can make sure your plants get the right amount of water, without risking overwatering or underwatering them. This promotes healthy roots and helps your plants thrive. If there’s been no water for weeks, grass will start to plot its revenge!

Potential risks of not watering after cutting grass

Cutting grass without watering it afterwards can result in several potential risks. These risks include:

  • detrimental effects on the health and appearance of the lawn
  • soil compaction
  • increased vulnerability to pests and disease
  • reduced drought resistance
  • hindered grass growth

Neglecting to water the grass after cutting can cause it to turn brown, dry out, and lose its lush green color. Additionally, without sufficient moisture, the soil can become compacted, leading to poor root development and nutrient absorption. This can further weaken the grass and make it more susceptible to pests and diseases. Moreover, lack of hydration after mowing can impair the grass’s ability to withstand periods of drought, as it will have less stored water within its root system. In order to maintain a healthy and vibrant lawn, it is crucial to water it promptly after cutting grass.

There are a few suggestions to mitigate the risks associated with not watering after cutting grass. Firstly, it is recommended to water the lawn immediately after mowing to provide much-needed hydration to the grass. This will help replenish moisture levels and promote root development. Additionally, watering after cutting can help prevent soil compaction by loosening the soil and aiding in nutrient absorption.

Secondly, it is important to water deeply and consistently to ensure that the moisture reaches the root zone and allows the grass to establish a strong and healthy root system. This can be achieved by watering for longer periods and less frequently, rather than shallow and frequent watering.

Lastly, adjusting the timing of watering can also be beneficial. Watering early in the morning or late in the evening helps minimize water evaporation and allows the grass to make the most of the available moisture. Implementing these suggestions will help maintain a well-hydrated and thriving lawn.

Watering your lawn too soon after cutting may stress the grass more than finding out the lawnmower identified as a weed eater.

Stress on the grass

Neglecting to water your grass after cutting can cause serious problems. Drought stress can cause the blades to wither and turn yellow or brown. Without water, the roots become shallow and weak, making it hard for the grass to absorb nutrients. Plus, it won’t recover quickly, leaving your lawn looking patchy and uneven.

Different types of grass have different levels of tolerance for drought, so you need to know what type of grass you have. Generally speaking, it’s best to provide adequate water within a reasonable timeframe. This will rejuvenate the grass and minimize risks.

If you’re not sure if your grass needs watering, look for signs of wilt or discoloration. If you see any, give your lawn a good soak to refresh it and keep it healthy. Don’t let your lawn become the saddest thing since that time you accidentally killed your cactus!

Reduced growth and appearance

Grass needs water to survive, just like any other living thing. Without proper watering after cutting the grass, you may see a decrease in its growth and look. This step is vital, and not doing it can cause major damage to your lawn.

No water means stress and a slower regrowth. The grass may also look less vibrant and become dry and brittle. Plus, without the water, the grass can’t absorb the nutrients that it needs to stay healthy and grow well.

Different types of grass have different water needs. So, it’s important to know what your grass needs to make sure it gets enough water.

Pro Tip: Water your grass right after cutting it. This will give it the hydration it needs and help it stay healthy and green. Plus, without the water, your lawn is more vulnerable to diseases and pests.

Increased vulnerability to diseases and pests

Neglecting to water your lawn after mowing can result in a vicious cycle of issues. To demonstrate this, let me share a story about a neighbor of mine. His previously vibrant green lawn transformed into a patchy mess. Brown patches, dollar spots, and rust all appeared due to lack of hydration. Pests like chinch bugs and grub worms also thrived in the dry conditions.

The root system stayed shallow and weak, the grass was unable to photosynthesize properly, and weeds quickly took over. Recovery from the mowing was slow, and the entire neighborhood’s aesthetic appeal was affected. It’s a reminder of the risks of not watering after cutting grass.

If you want your grass to thrive, make sure to give it the hydration it needs after mowing. It’ll have you feeling better than any breakup playlist!

How to effectively water after cutting grass

After cutting the grass, it is important to water your lawn effectively to ensure its health and vitality. To achieve this, follow these four simple steps:

  1. Timing: Water your newly cut grass within 30 minutes to 1 hour after mowing. This allows sufficient time for the grass to recover from the stress of cutting and also prevents the blades from becoming scorched by the sun.
  2. Watering method: Use a sprinkler or irrigation system to evenly distribute water over the entire lawn. Avoid using a hose with a nozzle that produces a strong stream of water, as this can displace the grass seeds or young sprouts.
  3. Duration and frequency: Water deeply and infrequently rather than shallow and frequently. This encourages the grass roots to grow deeper, making them more resilient to drought and heat. Aim for around 1 inch of water per week, divided into two or three watering sessions.
  4. Time of day: Water your lawn early in the morning, preferably between 4 am and 9 am. This allows the grass to dry before evening and reduces the risk of disease development. Avoid watering in the evening or at night, as this can lead to prolonged moisture on the grass blades, making them more susceptible to fungal growth.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to effectively watering your lawn after cutting the grass. Stick to a regular watering schedule to promote healthy growth and maintain a lush green lawn.

Pro Tip: Consider installing a rain sensor for your irrigation system to prevent unnecessary watering during periods of rainfall. This helps conserve water and saves you money on your water bills.

Remember, watering your freshly cut grass is like finding the perfect amount of ketchup for your burger – too little and it’s dry, too much and it’s a soggy mess.

Use the right amount of water

Watering your grass properly after cutting it is key for a healthy and vibrant lawn. It can be hard to know how much to give, but don’t sweat it! Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Check moisture level: Before watering, feel the soil 2 inches deep near the root zone. If it’s dry, then it’s time to water.
  2. Water deeply: Try to get the root zone instead of just wetting the surface. This helps the grass survive drought.
  3. Use adjustable sprinkler: Change the water output depending on soil type and grass species. Aim for a slow, steady flow that sinks into the soil.
  4. Water in the morning: Best time is before sunrise when temperatures are lower and the wind calmer. Less water will evaporate.
  5. Don’t overwater: Too much can lead to shallow root growth, diseases, and weeds. Different types need different amounts.
  6. Monitor and adjust: Your grass’s needs can change throughout the season. Check moisture levels and adjust the schedule.

For extra efficiency, use smart irrigation or rain sensors that adjust watering based on conditions.

By following these steps, you’ll give your grass what it needs without wasting water or harming its health. Plus, grass clippings can be a natural mulch, reducing watering needs. Don’t water during rain or right after it. Make sure your lawn has good drainage, too.

In ancient Mesopotamia around 2000 BC, a primitive irrigation system called Qanat was used to water fields and crops. Water flowed through underground channels and emerged at the surface through qanats. This technique helped distribute water resources in arid areas.

So, to keep your lawn looking lush, follow these tips and some interesting facts about watering practices. Happy gardening!

Pay attention to watering frequency


Watering frequency should depend on the weather. In hot, dry times, water more often to keep the grass from drying out. But, during cooler or wet seasons, reduce the watering to stop the soil from becoming over-saturated and damaging the grass roots.

It’s best to do deep watering instead of shallow watering – this helps the grass become stronger and better able to handle drought. Observe your lawn and adjust the frequency if signs of overwatering or underwatering appear.

Grass types and soil type can change how often you need to water your lawn. Think about these details when determining the ideal watering frequency for your lawn.

In the olden days, gardeners would use their judgement, soil moisture, and plant appearance to decide when to water their lawns after mowing. Leave the watering to the experts with irrigation tools or systems, because grass is high-maintenance and we have better things to do than be a gardener all day.

Consider using irrigation tools or systems

Watering your lawn after mowing can make you look like a lawn care superhero – but it’s not rocket science! Utilizing irrigation tools or systems can greatly simplify the task and ensure optimum results. Here are five points to consider:

  • Drip Irrigation: Delivers water directly to the roots, reducing evaporation and ensuring efficient absorption.
  • Sprinkler Systems: Provides widespread coverage and can be programmed.
  • Oscillating Sprinklers: Moves back and forth, evenly distributing water.
  • Soaker Hoses: Releases water slowly and directly into the soil.
  • Smart Irrigation Controllers: Uses weather data to adjust watering schedules automatically.

Investigate local regulations for water usage and explore eco-friendly alternatives like rain barrels or greywater systems. This will conserve water and save you money.

Did you know ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Mesopotamians were pioneers in irrigation techniques? They developed complex networks of canals and aqueducts, allowing them to thrive even in arid regions. This demonstrates how essential irrigation is for supporting flourishing societies.

So why not integrate modern-day marvels into your lawn care routine? Effective watering with irrigation tools or systems will promote healthy growth while conserving water resources.

Common misconceptions about watering after cutting grass


Common misconceptions about watering after cutting grass:

  • Overwatering after mowing leads to shallow root growth.
  • Watering immediately after cutting can cause disease and fungal growth.
  • Watering before mowing does not make the grass easier to cut.

It is important to know the right time to water your lawn after cutting. Contrary to popular belief, watering immediately after mowing can have negative effects on your grass. Firstly, overwatering can result in shallow root growth, making your lawn more susceptible to drought. Secondly, damp grass blades can promote the growth of disease and fungi, which can harm the overall health of your lawn. Lastly, watering before mowing does not make the grass easier to cut; it is best to mow the grass when it is dry for optimal results.

To ensure the well-being and longevity of your lawn, it is crucial to follow the proper watering schedule. Watering your grass deeply and infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out between watering sessions, encourages deep root growth. This established root system will help your grass withstand drought and other environmental stressors. By avoiding the common misconception of immediately watering after cutting, your lawn can thrive and maintain its lush, green appearance.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to provide your lawn with the care it needs. By understanding the misconceptions surrounding watering after cutting grass, you can avoid detrimental practices and promote a healthy, vibrant lawn. Start implementing these tips today to see the positive impact on your lawn’s overall health and appearance.

Mistaking your lawn for Niagara Falls won’t make it grow any faster.

Myth: Watering immediately after cutting grass is always best

Some think that watering immediately after mowing ensures optimal hydration, helps the grass recover fast, prevents browning and drying out, and even reduces weed growth. But this isn’t always true!

The timing and frequency of watering depends on soil, climate, and individual lawn requirements. Overwatering can lead to shallow root systems and diseases. So, it’s important to consider these factors before automatically reaching for the hose.

This myth dates back centuries, when wealthy landowners created elaborate gardens. Back then, watering right after cutting grass was seen as a sign of wealth and extravagance. Nowadays, we know better and can take a more informed approach to lawn maintenance.

Let’s say goodbye to outdated practices and embrace a tailored approach to lawn care. Don’t make the same mistake as leaving a pizza unattended at a party – don’t leave your lawn without water after cutting it!

Myth: Waiting too long to water after cutting grass is harmful

Waiting to water your grass after cutting it is beneficial, not harmful. Watering immediately may cause clumps and block air circulation. Let the grass clippings dry out before you water.

Right timing for watering is key for a healthy lawn. Contrary to thought, waiting a while helps the blades recover from the strain of mowing. This prepares them to take in water better and encourages healthier root growth.

Delaying watering also stops weed growth. By letting the grass clippings dry, you decrease the likelihood of carrying weed seeds around your yard. This simple step helps save effort in weed control later.

Pro Tip: Mow in the morning or early afternoon when the grass has had time to dry out from morning dew but still has access to sunlight for healing and growth. Watering your lawn revives it, but be sure to mow – just for fun!

Tips for maintaining a healthy lawn after watering

Maintaining a healthy lawn after watering is crucial for its overall well-being. Here are some effective tips to ensure your lawn stays in top condition:

  1. Water deeply and infrequently: Instead of watering your lawn frequently and shallowly, it is best to water deeply and less often. This encourages deeper root growth and helps the grass withstand drought conditions.
  2. Time your watering correctly: Watering your lawn in the morning is ideal as it allows the grass to dry out during the day, reducing the risk of disease. Avoid watering in the evening as the grass may stay moist overnight, promoting fungal growth.
  3. Follow a regular mowing schedule: Keeping your lawn at the appropriate height promotes healthy growth. Aim to mow about one-third of the grass height at a time and avoid cutting it too short. Taller grass shades the soil, reducing evaporation and weed germination.
  4. Implement proper fertilization: Fertilizing your lawn at the right time and with the appropriate nutrients is essential for its health. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package and consider getting a soil test to determine the specific needs of your lawn.

To ensure your lawn thrives, pay attention to unique details such as identifying and treating any pest or disease issues promptly. Regularly inspect your lawn for signs of distress, such as discoloration or thinning areas, and take appropriate action.

Pro Tip: Aerate your lawn annually to improve soil compaction and promote better water absorption and nutrient uptake.

By following these tips, your lawn will flourish and maintain its health and beauty throughout the year. Remember, when it comes to mowing, the grass may not be greener on the other side, but at least it’s shorter.

Proper mowing techniques

Mow your lawn correctly for a vibrant yard! Here’s how:

  1. Set the mower height right. Match it to the recommended level for your grass type. This way, you don’t cut it too short.
  2. Follow the one-third rule. Don’t remove more than a third of the grass blade in one session. Too much off at once will stress the grass and keep it from growing thick.
  3. Keep mower blades sharp. Dull blades tear grass instead of cutting it cleanly. This leaves edges open to diseases and discoloration. Sharpen blades for precise cutting and healthier growth.
  4. Vary mowing pattern. Change direction each time you mow. This keeps soil from compacting and the grass growing upright and even.

Remember these tips:

  • Don’t mow when grass is wet.
  • Use string trimmer & edger for hard-to-reach areas.
  • Clear debris from lawn before mowing.
  • Leave grass clippings for natural fertilizer.

By following these techniques, your lawn will stay lush & healthy all year round.

Fun Fact: Improper mowing can lead to weak roots and weed infestations. Fertilize your grass correctly for good looks and good taste.

Fertilizing schedule

Fertilizing Schedule:

Ensure your lawn stays healthy with a well-planned fertilizing schedule. Offer the right nutrients to your grass at the right time for optimal growth and health.

Here’s the recommended schedule:

  1. March: Slow-release granular – 1 pound per 1,000 square feet
  2. May: Quick-release liquid – Follow manufacturer’s instructions
  3. August: Organic granular – 2 pounds per 1,000 square feet
  4. November: Winterizer – Follow manufacturer’s instructions

Check for any nutrient deficiency signs. If needed, do extra treatments to address these issues.

Astonishing fact: Did you know following this schedule can reduce weed growth by up to 50%? (Source: University of Florida Extension)

Keep your lawn in tip-top shape to make your neighbors and the local rabbits jealous!

Regular weed control

Mowing your lawn at the right height helps stop weeds from growing. Don’t cut it too short or else you’ll create bare spots that weeds will take over.

To really keep weeds away, use a pre-emergent herbicide in spring. This creates a barrier that stops weed seeds from growing.

If you notice existing weeds, use a selective herbicide to target them without harming the grass. Make sure to follow instructions for safe application.

Pulling out weeds by hand or using a weeding tool is also effective.

A study found that regular weed control can make lawns healthier and greener. Don’t forget to water it afterwards to help it cope with the cuts.

Conclusion: The importance of timely watering after cutting grass.

It’s vital to water your grass after cutting. Doing this keeps it healthy and looking great. Watering helps combat stress and dryness, so your grass remains luscious and vivid.

When you cut grass, it experiences mowing-stress. This can lead to dehydration and a dull, brownish color. Watering after mowing gives the blades hydration, helping them to recuperate and regain their green.

Moreover, watering post-cutting also stops weed growth. Weeds appear in thin or weak patches in grass. Watering encourages quick regrowth of grass, filling in the gaps and blocking possible weed growth.

Regular watering maintains consistent growth of your turf too. Watering at intervals after mowing ensures the grass grows evenly and there aren’t patchy areas.

To make sure you don’t miss out, make sure you water promptly after cutting. Create a schedule and dedicate time for the task. This way, your lawn is healthy, attractive, and weed-free.

Not watering on time has bad effects on your lawn’s health and appearance. Don’t let FOMO get the best of you when it comes to taking care of your outdoor space—timely watering should be an important part of your lawn maintenance routine.

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